Wednesday, February 8, 2012

You Lie!

The title of today’s rant is plagiarized, of course, from an American hero, Congressman Joe Wilson who audaciously gave President Obama a piece of his mind during one of the State of the Union speeches.
It’s all about lies. The ones we love to tell and the lies we love to hear. What are your favorites? Send them in by commenting on this blog so that everyone can enjoy them. (See the note at the bottom to discover how to comment.)
Former President Nixon once (supposedly) said “It’s important to be sincere, even if you don’t really mean it.”  So don’t joke around.
Lies I love to hear from beautiful women:
I love you.
It’s what I’ve always wanted (upon receiving an outboard motor for her birthday.)
You are so smart [can substitute “strong,” “brave,” “handsome,” “cool”, etc. for “smart”)

Lies I love to hear from politicians: (Although our first POTUS said “I cannot tell a lie,” we have gotten over that.  Modern politicians manage to be more flexible on the whole veracity thing.)
I am not a crook. (Nixon)
I never had sexual relations with that woman. (Clinton).
Deficits are not important. (Cheney)
I never inhaled. (Clinton)
Global warming is a hoax. (Presidential candidate Santorum and many others)
We have discovered weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. (“W”)
We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat. (Rumsfeld,  also on weapons of mass destruction.)
The bitch set me up. (Former DC Mayor Barry when caught in a hotel room cocaine sting)
I told the Congress ‘thanks but no thanks’ for that Bridge to Nowhere. (Sarah Palin)
Corporations are people. (Romney)
Whales are people. (PETA leaders)
Money is speech (The Supremes)
Read my lips. No new taxes.(Bush I)

Other lies L love to hear:
Evolution is just a theory.
Guns don’t kill people. People do.
Clean coal is a green fuel.
America is the land of opportunity.
O’Bama is Irish.
Obama is Kenyan.
Wall Street is a great engine of economic growth.
The Mafia is a great engine of economic growth.
Alan Greenspan is one really smart dude.

The genius at Google who set this blog up for me did not make it easy for readers to send in comments.  I went along with the trick because it protected me from knuckleheads who might attempt to undermine the veracity and wisdom of the various diatribes I was getting away with in the blog.
But the time has come to blow the whistle on this scam.
The secret to commenting on this blog is to click on the deceptive little hyperlink at the bottom that says “0 comments” or “X comments” (x being a number).  Then you can unload on me with impunity.


Mac Thornton said...

Actually, Mr. Ed E. Lie, lying is an ingrained part of human nature. It is the choice of first response to any unpleasant event. It happens EVERY time there is such an event. Go back crisis by crisis. The most recent was the Captain of the Costa Concordia, "I tripped and fell into a lifeboat and it rowed away."

The really bad ones are the carefully designed lies, for which there is an entire industry. For example, one never sees industry talk about "coal" anymore without the adjective "clean." The notion is patently absurd.

Would like to hear your thoughts about the lie production industry.

A Lois said...

I really do love the outboard engine!

Your Wife