Friday, March 30, 2012


Sometimes I ask myself, “Who the Hell is running this show anyway?”

Gas prices are going through the roof.  The oil industry is trying to help, but keeps getting bad press. They spent $146 million lobbying Congress last year to keep their tax breaks intact, but only got a few billion in tax breaks back for their efforts. So gas prices must go up. 

Republicans made up a big story about how it's all Hopey Changey's fault for not drilling in every backyard in America. Then Hopey Changey himself fell for the bogus story like some gullible rube at a carnival and immediately started running around promising to drill for oil and build pipelines all over the place. 

The government is regulating our asses off. In some states, you can only buy one gun at a time (unless you are at a gun show where, fortunately, you can back up your truck and take the whole show home.)  Young kids get shot to death for wearing hoodies--and its legal under newly adopted State gun laws in 21 states.

Pink slime is in 80 percent of our ground beef.  The entire earth is about to be roasted into charcoal briquettes by the global warming oven. Polar bears are running out of ice.

The Supreme Court is worried about whether Obama is going to regulate broccoli.  

The very  rich are now so absurdly rich that even they cannot imagine what to do with the they set up Super Pacs and give billions to marginal political weirdos. Ponzi schemers have taken over the investment world while regulators of financial fraud are being neutered. Goldman Sachs employees are dropping out because the company is trying to make a few bucks by double dealing on their clients.  Southern Europe is in and out of bankruptcy several times a day.

Voters in America are being disenfranchised by voter ID laws requiring proof of Christi-insanity. The Pope is making friends with Fidel.  Atheists are rallying on the national mall denouncing the power of prayer.  A leader of a bizarre polygamist sect who is known to have tortured animals and who mostly likes to fire people is the leading candidate for President.

The International Olympic Committee voted to allow female volleyball players to wear baggy pants instead of bikinis, thereby totally ruining the sport for 50% of the viewers in the world.

Meanwhile, Congress has become EVEN MORE dysfunctional than ever before, so much so that it cannot even pass a bill to fix bridges that are falling down.  Grover Norquist won't even let them read the tax code anymore, much less tamper with it. They need more campaign donations...SO GET BUSY and send them some money.

Michelle Obama keeps wearing the wrong dresses.   Law schools are filling up with sluts and prostitutes demanding that the taxpayers buy them condoms.

And that is just the beginning. All of this I have documented in graphic detail, including pictures, in earlier blogs.

Someone must be responsible for this unholy mess.


I have researched all the possibilities. At first, I thought it was the giant vampire squid, Goldman Sachs.  Based on yellow dog Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi’s excellent research, that theory was momentarily plausible because of the fact that Goldman’s tentacles reached so far and wide, but the theory did not hold up in the end. The leaders of the greedy squid are interested in only one thing: more money for themselves. Causing chaos and wrecking everything in sight is not really their prime objective, although it could be a necessary consequence.

Who really WANTS to bring us into a world of total anarchy and chaos (a.k.a. freedom to pillage and steal)? Cognitive science has shown that the human brain cannot deall with the unexplained. It always needs an explanation when confronting the confusing world around it. Usually a simple story, a myth, a conspiracy theory, or a religion will do the job.

Finally, I figured found an explanation that works.  It’s the Koch brothers.

They are behind the entire political-social-economic mess. They pay for the intellectual dishonesty in the think tanks that control Congressional policy. They are behind the increase in gas prices (they manipulate the futures markets for fuel.) They are even behind the law that results in the murder of people wearing hoodies.

They are masterminding all the chaos and destruction.

Don’t take my word for it, there is a new movie out now by Robert Greenwald and his Brave New Foundation which documents the whole game. It debuted earlier this week in New York. The film is entitled, Koch Brothers Exposed.

Basically, the deal is this. The Kochs are rich. So rich you cannot even imagine how rich they are. Billionaires many times over.  They have over $50 billion![i] They own the second largest privately held company in America.

Like the giant vampire squids, they are interested in making money, but that is only secondary because for them-- been there-- done that. They have so much loot now that their main idea is to control EVERYTHING.

Their strategy is multifaceted.  First, they want to control the minds inside the beltway, so they take over huge think thanks that used to have a good reputation for providing government with independent analysis, such as the Cato Institute and the Mercatus Institute. They also endow key professorships dedicated to promoting their right wing views.

Second, they want to reduce the impact of poor and minority voters, so they pay advocates to push a voter ID law that will have exactly that effect. They are the biggest funders behind the Tea party which took over the House of Representatives in the last election. The Kochs were there to greet the new Members when they were sworn in.[ii]

They do astroturf politics better than anyone. They founded, funded and led Americans for Prosperity and the Americans for Prosperity Foundation to fight Obamacare. They spent $200 million on activist groups. They are behind the controversy over the Solyndra scandal and they are manipulating gas prices to create a problem for Obama and all Americans.

They are working to destroy public sector unions, eliminate environmental regulations, and phase out social security.

In one of their most insidious operations, they fund an organization called ALEC. ALEC provides model laws to State legislatures to make it easier for those bodies to simply enact them, go home, and be done with it. No fuss, no muss and no TEDIOUS legislative work involved for the legislators at all. The model laws from ALEC often further the Koch Bros objectives. One of those laws is the Stand Your Ground Law---enacted in 21 states. It came to the states from ALEC all fully written up, packaged in a nice box with ribbons and bows.

This law led to the murder in Florida of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed teen, by George Zimmerman an overzealous neighborhood watch volunteer. Martin was guilty of walking home in a hoodie with too much candy.

For more on the behind the scenes work by the Kochs through their ALEC operation, see

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Note: The blog Alternet helped immensely in my extensive research on this topic, and has much more on the Koch's schemes-- so check it out: by clicking here.


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