Saturday, April 14, 2012


A new poll just came out indicating that women are losing interest in Romney.  This information has really massively pissed off Romney's campaign strategists.

So what did Romney do when he found out about all the female deserters and traitors?

He declared WAR!  A war on women.

No more contraception, no more birth control of any kind for sluts in law schools, break down the equal pay for women law (Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act) and impose mandatory vaginal ultrasound as a condition of medical care for women. And more. Check out this list.

This is not wise.  I know from personal experience that it is not a good strategic move to start any kind of war or other major or minor dispute with women--or even with an individual woman.

I personally have had numerous wars, battles, skirmishes, and other conflicts of many kinds with women. Two divorces and dozens of struggles on one kind or another with girlfriends. My experience is that women always win—and they win BIG.

Why start a war that you have a 100% chance of losing?

The Democrats started a War on Poverty.  We lost that one badly.

Then there was the War on Caterpillars.

We have a War on Drugs, a war in Afghanistan, and possible wars in North Korea and Iran. We just finished losing the war in Iraq.

Now women?

Some of my best friends are women. But I darn sure don’t want to get into an adversarial situation with them, in a political, legal, or physical context, much less a WAR.  Men need to learn this important fact: you can start it, but you cannot win a war against women.

Haven’t the Republicans studied the immortal zen question—"If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, is the man always wrong?"[i]

My advice to Mitt is: give peace a chance.

Don’t start a war with someone with this kind of firepower.

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1 comment:

Sally Taylor said...

Right on, brother!
I think Obama has it in the bag.